Friday, October 4, 2013

3 Months Old-Back to Work

Bailey didn’t technically have a 3 month checkup but she had diarrhea quite a bit so they had me take her in which happened to be right at her 3 month mark. She weighed in at 14 lbs. The doctor said that I must have super milk or something. Not sure if that’s supposed to be a compliment or not but either way Miss Bailey is a very healthy thriving baby girl. I'm still not sure what to do about the diarrhea situation but they said she isn’t sick or dehydrated so she should be fine. I have tried to cut out dairy but never was able to do it for a 2 week period. If it doesn’t get any better I may have to start doing that again. During this last month she has been learning so much and is becoming so interested in things. It’s so neat to watch her learning. She loves her toys that hang from her play gym and recently my Aunt Cindy bought her a new dolly. I didn’t think she would know what to do with it but I have to say, it has been so cute to watch her with it. It’s a soft plush doll and she will put both arms around it and bring it to her mouth to sort of suck on the head of the doll. It’s pretty funny but she does love holding on to it. Coby has been a little jealous of her toys though. He always wants to steal her doll, her ball or her pacifiers. He has chewed up all 4 of the ones we got from the hospital. It’s so aggravating because you can't really buy them anywhere else. Speaking of pacifiers...Bailey was at her Grandma Mary's house one Saturday afternoon and they were having trouble finding her pacifier. When they picked her up out of her seat they realized it was lodged in a roll on the back of her chubby little leg! Poor thing will never live that down. Bailey has also gotten really good at Tummy Time. She has been holding her head up so well and is so active that I know where in for it when she starts to crawl and then walk. So in a matter of 2 days I earned myself "mom of the year". I absolutely hate trimming her tiny little nails. They are paper thin and so hard to see. She was sitting on my bed being so sweet just talking and smiling away while I was trimming her nails when I managed to clip her thumb nail too far back and it instantly started bleeding. The look on her face was terrible and her scream was so loud! I felt so bad. Then the very next day, I was feeding her and in a hurry with dinner. So while I was feeding her I decided to check on the dinner in the toaster oven. 0When I opened the door she kicked her foot at the same time burning her heel. Again, screaming and crying because mommy hurt her :( I went back to work on September 3rd and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I balled my eyes out when I left her. I know I'm really lucky to have her in such good care while I’m gone but I never thought I would miss my baby as much as I do. We spent 3 months getting to know each other and spending every minute together. It was just a weird feeling when she wasn’t with me. It was nice to see everyone from work but it didn’t make up for how much I missed my girl. Andy was very sweet and wrote me a card that was supposed to be from Bailey and then he sent me flowers to work! Pumping at work...This hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be. I thought it would be really inconvenient but my work has been really great about it. I really need to pump 3 times at while I’m there but sometimes only have time for 2. I can sit at my desk which really helps. The first day back I pumped 17 ounces of milk! Woo hoo! The next day I realized I left my precious liquid gold in the car. I was so mad. I can tell you now, I won’t ever let that happen again. Anyways, I'm so excited to see how she is going to grow and what her personality is going to be like. On to month 4....