Here is a picture of me in May. This is proof that I was in shape pre baby! I will need this later as motivation I'm sure.
So the first few weeks after finding out that I was pregnant were great! My mom and sister didn't have morning sickness so I thought I was off the hook too. I was determined to go to the gym every night and eat the exact amount of fruit and veggies that are recommended. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was so sick the first weekend that I was in bed and didnt go back to work until the next Wednesday. It was terrible. I couldn’t keep anything down and nothing ever sounded good to eat. When I could finally eat something, all I wanted was bread and any type of carb. Including French fries. I was this sick up until week 13. It was literally the entire first trimester but I know I'm lucky that it ended after that.
Backing up a little bit, the first time we got the see the baby on the ultrasound was at week 8. Andy went with me and it was the coolest thing I have ever seen. There on the screen was our little baby kicking and moving his or her tiny little arms. You don’t really believe it until you see it! The look on Andy's face was priceless. He was in such awe it made me want to cry :) Even though we didn’t get to hear the heart beat that day, they measured it on the screen somehow and said it was around 160. My sister thinks its a girl but we will see!
I finally told everyone at my work at week 10. I wanted to wait a little longer but being as sick as I was, I couldn’t really hide it much longer. I'm lucky to work at a place that was as excited for me as my family was.
Week 11-12 were sort of a blur because of the holidays. Thanksgiving wasn’t as enjoyable as it should have been. All of that wonderful food that just made my stomach turn by the smell of it. Either way it was really exciting to talk about the baby with my family and think about how the holidays would be very different the next year.